
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Being 1 Malaysia

Recently been reading about nationality and race surfacing in the media and a lot of individuals coming forth and giving out their best comments and ideas on how to strengthen the idea and unify all people of different races and culture all around Malaysia.

Looking back of my 23 years of life...i was surrounded with DIFFERENT people all around me...different races and culture and i am guessing i was being blessed being around DIFFERENT people all around me....Malay, Chinese, Indians

Since my schooling days i was with different friends....for sports and other activities..different in sizes and races but 1 under classroom
-Class photo 2004, St Joseph Kuching-

Serving under the same organisation and working with different people all around...we may be small in numbers but we are united to make a better place
-Prefect photo 2006, St Joseph Kuching-

May be different in race and culture but able to serve and lead on a single purpose as one....
-St Joseph Cathedral Kuching Altar Servers 2004-

One way of meeting new people for me in my younger days-by going for camps yearly....and surprisingly we could just bond together easily..i remembered the committee members were from different schools and backgrounds....but it was a successful camp...
-YCS camp Bunan Gega 2004-

National Service at one point of the program brings me further in knowing more about people and how people act and accept us from different parts of the country. I had to flew all across the South China Sea just to complete my National Service....and live with them for 3 long months...
-Malacca, National Service 2nd batch classmates 2004-

I always look back into my own state @ not about bragging rights and telling other how superior ones state is..but is all about accepting and understanding each and everyone of us...imagine 40 sub ethnic groups all on an island, living in harmony until today....
-International Young Christian Student Meet (IYCS) 2005 local committee members-

Even my years in university for almost 3 years, is all about how me myself adapting and understanding to cultures and religion without forgetting my own roots. If you were to look at the picture above, you never guessed that i would be the only Bidayuh in class...:) but it doesn't matter one all about us how we bring ourself in society
-MC223 A, Green Box 2010-

And even staying and living with friends of different perspectives of may sound hard but i guessed is the upbringing and experiences that teaches me on how to adapt and acknowledge others in their own unique way..6 of us in a house 5 lawyers and 1 broadcaster...a Bidayuh broadcaster :)
-Housemates, open house 2009- 

Unity and harmony does not come comes a long not about how ones culture, religion, race or in any other way is superior to the rest. Everything starts from the basics and from a very young all about US @ YOU @ ME @OURSELVES to accept, understand, acknowledge others in our journey of life...we we just open our mind and hearts to small things that could be the key to unity...

I guess i had done my part being 1 Malaysia :)

P/S: Is not wrong to embrace and understand different all about us our attitude and our upbringing.....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back from the holidays...

Back from the long Raya in the office.....5 more long weeks to go before finishing up my last semester @ 6th semester...what awaits me at the finishing line no one i pray it would be a good promising finishing race....

P/S: Some did not make it to the finish line.....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Raya....

To all my Muslim friends, far and near, where ever you are right now, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and you whole family members. Enjoy the holiday celebration with you love ones. Dont drink and eat to much and drive...:) safety first...

P/S: Green packets and cakes around plus firecrackers...

Friday, September 3, 2010

6 foot boxes

2 weeks ago went out with my house mate to the National was my first time there even though i had been in KL for almost 2 years plus...coincidently there was this exhibition on coffins of different cultures and exhibits on those 6 foot boxes. the the opportunity even though my friend was reluctant ( he thinks its creepy and hes not used to it having all sorts of coffin being displayed around)

The banner seems to be outdated @ dates

For me im fine with it...guess my background serving funeral masses in church during my younger days helps me A LOT :)

The exhibition overall was CREEPY ...for the coffin for exhibitions HAD BEING USED i guess thats why my friend had goosebumps all over him over this exhibition..

This is part of the Malay ceremonial essentials for the dead

This is the Indian style of burying the dead

They had all sorts of coffins to go around with in the exhibition..


Normal coffin

Different shapes and sizes...

Or trying to safe space ? get buried in the pot...

Long long time ago coffins crafted out of a single log,notice the buffalo behind in the picture, its a COFFIN...not a

Being buried while sitting down..once done...bones are being placed inside th basket..yes a CHAIR COFFIN from the Philippines 

Or planning to leave this world in style and luxury.. going down 6 feet underground with this half a million Ringgit coffin...14 carat GOLD if i was not mistaken

Or being buried rich in culture and respect ( in a big pot @ clay jar or a piece of decorated log )

Going for abstract deco and complicated paintings for the dead ( coffins of one of the tribes in Sarawak :) )

Or go Indonesian with gold decorations on the coffin

One of the ways to move you around to the next world (literally)

Or go creepy with the burial...bodies are put on it

To some this may be a tool to catch fish @ bubu in the local others is a coffin...

You see what i see INSIDE ?

Some see death being highly regard in  society and culture...they put their dead on the trees on special platforms...

Or being simple...put stones on the dead body and get on with life....

P/S: Death is not the end of a journey  but is the beginning of a new life