Basically and currently working with the centre where im am currently doing my masters right now. Since i need cash and there is a scheme for me to to work "part time" with the centre while doing my masters. It is on a per semester service and once im done with this semester i need to reapply back for the new semester. The work requires me to work 6 hours per week, 24 hours per month with minimal allowance that i could survived with besides my loan.
What am i supposed to do is be part of the editorial team, editing and transcript most of the thesis done by the student into journals where it would be published for academic purposes. A lot of hard work and patience especially dealing with students who are not so keen on contributing towards the journal compilation process. It is more of an open invitation and for almost two months the response is slow and poor..hopefully for the month of December it would be better...
The view of my room at the centre...
My own punch card where i need to punch for each time i came to the centre for work..basically we are paid by hours so in order to get a full allowance we need at least 24 hours on the card...
Since i started working..learning to save a bit..and the notice is just a reminder of what happened last semester when my whole savings was stolen from my rented house in Shah Alam...i know it would not deter those who wish to take but at least remind them that there is always SOMEONE watching from above...
P/S: Waiting for the day when my allowance would be bank in...
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