
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What crossline could do...

Ever had experinces when you receive an unknown number and when you call back they claimed and sweared that they did not call or miss call or something like that? could be frustrating and funny at the same time...and it happened to me...

I was online this very morning and a unknown number called me...014 6******..i picked it up and tsaid it was a wrong number..

Next thing i know..the mysterious number sms me and started getting emotional over the number claiming that i called her a few times??? i dont even know or have her number???

Part of the sms the mysterious number

Eiy..fel wanna eat u! i sure dat is ur numb in my miscall list..ok2..

Elow guy..u made me confuse la..feel wana cry oredy to think about dis thng?.wats ur age,name, gender?...

i ever heard ur name before...but not very sure....oh my god!!!

I just dont know how to answer that caller...
For sure i met a new friend..


@DdY said...

ahaha kompem dat girl siao edi..
next time she call, ask her..

ADrian said...


shes 17 yaya..hahaha

i dont knw...she gila bcos of a unknown num..hahahahaha