
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Death is NO joke..

I was reading a friend's blog about her mum's passing and was shocked to see someone posting rude, selfish, inconsiderate, childish, stupid post about the death and was making fun about it. I am not surprise by that action because is kinda predictable and to me is just plain dumb. Making fun about death and laughing about it?

I had seen and went through those time of death and sadness. Seeing my own family members, my grandpa and my uncle death in a span of one year. Those time of sadness my family and my aunty especially went through. with her four children who are still young and small. Is that funny? even her youngest daughter was innocent not knowing her dad has gone to a better place? is that funny and something to laugh and celebrate about?

Death is not something you laugh or joke around or even celebrating happily. Death is no experience that any human want in this world. Sadness and pain, losing someone you love, loneliness, all those you want it? now you laugh saying her happiness is cut short by her mum's passing and yours is still long and not the time yet. Imagine if the Lord decided to take EVERYONE away in your family and your love one away with one touch anytime He wants?  are you going to celebrate and laugh about it? joke about it ? i dont think so....

And so please stop all those childish and stupid comments and make death a laughing and joking matter because you will never know when the Lord wants to take away your is her would be you and MAYBE it will be much more worst than may laugh now but be prepared because God heard those who cried to Him...

P/S: Death is no joke or fun to play with....seriously...

Prayers and my condolence to you and your family Pris 


The Mannequin said...

thanks, adrian.. well, if that makes her happy, so be it.

then maybe someday we can have our turn.

it's even.

ADrian said...

death is no laughing joke....dats wat i know....

no matter wat God knows the best...

Anonymous said...

ur granpa and uncle passed away in d same year?
My uncle passed away 2 days after my grandpa was burried.

ADrian said...

anonymous ~ I am so sorry to hear condolence....two days apart? dats reli bad.....oh my....